A dedicated server is yours and yours alone. It is your box (no other customer shares it). Thus our servers come with a wide range of support options. If you are very knowledgeable you may need no help or you may need significant help. Please keep this in mind when choosing your server.

You should have a very good grasp of your operating system and the software installed on your server. We initially install the O/S and control panel software, however, after that point taking care of your software, patching it, etc, is up to you. We will advise for free but we can't assist for free in everyday technical problems.

On our end we take care of the hardware and network. We fix or replace any hardware that may go bad. We work on any network problems or outages. We will also reboot you if needed.

You should have a good grasp of your operating system. We initially install your server O/S and control panel software (Cpanel). We will assist in the repair, patching and updating of such when requested. We will support and assist in common control panel and O/S related problems and issues (on control panels and O/S's that we support).

We will reinstall the server software for free in the event of hardware failure or hacked/compromised software. We do not provide support for third party applications or software that you install other than the O/S and Cpanel Control Panel. We will diagnos any hardware issue. We will replace any failed hardware free of charge. We will reboot the server in the event of outage. In addition, we provide free 24/7 paging service in the event of outage.

You should have a basic grasp of your operating system. We will install your server O/S and control panel software (Cpanel). We will assist in the repair, patching and updating of such software automatically, keeping all versions to the current known stable specs. We will reinstall the server software in the event of a system or hardware failure.

In addition to this, we provide everyday technical support that any normal client would receive to the primary user. For instance, we cover small issues: if a box goes down, you can open a support ticket and have us repair it, etc. If a domain won't work, we will fix it, etc. We will also provide you with everyday advice and technical support, as we would to any shared user. We will diagnos hardware issues. We will replace any failed hardware free of charge. We will reboot the server in the event of outage. In addition, we provide free 24/7 paging service in the event of outage.

Please note that we always recommend keeping a backup of files. Cpanel software automatically allows you to take nightly, weekly and monthly backups (when set to do so) in two ways: via FTP to another server you may own, or to a second hard drive on the server. For the second option, you should look into purchasing a second hard drive on the server which we can install for you. Servers do not come with second hard drives by default.