Built-in CGI Installation


Guestbook allows you to set up your own comments page. From there, visitors can add entries to your guestbook and they will be displayed with the most recent at the top and scrolling down or vice versa. Other options include the ability to limit HTML in the entry, link to e-mail address with mailto tag, use a log to log entries, redirect to a different page after signing, e-mailing whenever a new entry is added and much more.

Download From Matts Script Archives:    http://worldwidemart.com/scripts/

Note for FrontPage users: You do not need to use this script, although you may use it, if you wish.   You can also use the FrontPage Discussion Web Template.  If you decide to use our installation script, you will need to contact us, to request that we setup what is called an "Alias" for your "guestbook" directory.  You will also need to move your "guestbook.cgi" file into the "cgibin" directory.   Finally, you will need to change the path referenced in "addguest.html" for the new location of the "guestbook.cgi" file.

There are two ways that you may install the Guestbook script:

  1. You may run the installation script at the prompt after telneting to your site (this is the easy way). Please see below.
  2. You may download the script from the following website and install all the files (this is the harder way):

  3. http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/guestbook.shtml

Running the Installation Script:

To run the installation script, you will need to connect to your site via telnet. Once at the telnet prompt, type the following command:

makeguest <yourdomain>.<yourdomainextension> <yourdomain> <youremailaddress>

For example, if your domain name is "xyz.com", and your email address is "john@doe.com", you would type:

makeguest xyz.com xyz john@doe.com

Please note the spaces between the words.
After the installation script finishes, you may customize the files as you see fit.


WWWBoard is a threaded World Wide Web discussion forum and message board, which allows users to post new messages, follow-up to existing ones and more.

Download From Matts Archives:    http://worldwidemart.com/scripts/

Note for FrontPage users: You do not need to use this script. Instead, you should use the FrontPage Discussion Web Template.

There are two ways that you may install the WWWBoard script:

  1. You may run the installation script at the prompt after telneting to your site (this is the easy way). Please see below.
  2. You may download the script from the following website and install all the files (this is the harder way):

Running the Installation Script:

To run the installation script, you will need to connect to your site via telnet. Once at the telnet prompt, type the following command:

makeboard <yourdomain>.<yourdomainextension> <yourdomain>

For example, if your domain name is "abc.net", you would type:

makeboard abc.net abc

Please note the spaces between the words.
After the installation script finishes, you may customize the files to your delight.

Running Multiple Boards

  1. Log into your root directory via telnet.
  2. Create the directory that will house the wwwboard:
    (example)        mkdir bob
  3. Run the install script:
    makeboard yourdomain.com/bob yourdirectory/bob    (note the .com on the second element)
  4. If you wish, edit the html code of the index.html page in the /yourdirectory/bob/wwwboard directory to reflect the information you want shown on the board.
    cd bob/wwwboard 
    pico index.html
  5. If you wish, place a symbolic link in the bob directory that points to the wwwboard:
    cd /mnt/web/guide/yourdomain/bob
    ln -s wwwboard/index.html index.html

To create a second wwwboard, follow these steps:
  1. 1. Go back to your root directory.
    cd /mnt/web/guide/yourdomain
  2. Create the directory that will house the next wwwboard:
    mkdir bob2
  3. Run the install script:
    makeboard yourdomain.com/bob2 yourdirectory/bob2
  4. If you wish, edit the html code of the index.html page in the /yourdirectory/bob2/wwwboard directory to reflect the information you want shown on the board.
    cd bob2/wwwboard
    pico index.html
  5. If you wish, place a symbolic link in the bob2 directory that points to the wwwboard:
    cd /mnt/web/guide/yourdomain/bob2
    ln -s wwwboard/index.html index.html