Hosting Cold Fusion MX

Cold Fusion and Cold Fusion MX

What is Cold Fusion?

Cold Fusion is a Web application development tool for people who want to use the Web to create dynamic-page applications and interactive Web sites on corporate intranets and the Internet. Cold Fusion gives developers a way to quickly build powerful Web applications which integrate with key server technologies such as relational databases and SMTP e-mail.  Our high-end platforms and monitoring systems insure that your Cold Fusion site achieves high levels of reliability whether hosted on a shared server or dedicated/colocated server.

Do I need any special tools to use Cold Fusion?

No. Since Cold Fusion integrates its special coding with normal HTML codes, any standard web authoring tool that allows editing of HTML can be used. This means that all development and debugging of a Cold Fusion application can take place right on Hostcentric's servers. However, if you plan on doing heavy development work with Cold Fusion, you may find it easier to purchase a copy of Cold Fusion to do all your development locally, and only copy the finished product to our servers. Allaire also has a new product called Cold Fusion Studio that assists in publishing Cold Fusion code.

Do I have to buy Cold Fusion?

No. You can use our license which allows our clients to use the Cold Fusion service. However, if you plan on doing heavy development work with Cold Fusion, you may find it easier to purchase a copy of Cold Fusion to do all your development locally, and only copy the finished product to our servers.

What databases can I use with Cold Fusion?

You can use any ODBC-compliant database (please refer to the database section of our docs for details).  We also can provide high processing Microsoft SQL Server if requested (additional setup and monthly charges are involved). If you are planning a moderate level of activity for your site, we strongly recommend using Microsoft SQL Server.

What version of Cold Fusion do you support?

We support versions 5.0 and 6.1 MX (or higher).  Make sure to stipulate what you need at order time.

Do you support CFX tags? CFFile tags?

Yes, we support both CFX tags and CFFile tags. Several CFX tags are currently available on our servers. If there is a tag you would like us to include, contact support. We will examine each tag for stability before using on our servers and we do reserve the right to not load any tags we feel may compromise the stability of our systems.

We also allow CFFILE. However, we need all our users to let us know if they will be using this facility..

What tags can't I use, Using Cookies Instead of the Register

Altering the server's main cold fusion register is dangerous for you and the other users on the shared server. Thus you can't use any tag which tries to alter the register. If you use this the system will suspend your CF priviledges (contact us for a fix).

To this end make sure to use only tags with use COOKIES as storage. The server should be set to use cookies by default. However, if you have trouble with a page and keep getting a security error you should try a statement like follows in your page:
cfapplication name="Login" clientmanagement="Yes" clientstorage="Cookie"

When I need to update my database can I just FTP over the old one?

No. Because of the way Cold Fusion accesses ODBC databases, you will often be unable to copy over a database. More importantly, your database is 'live,' meaning there is a constant possibility someone will try to access your database while you are copying over your new database. This can often lead to a corrupted database.

To get around these issues, we ask all clients to copy any new databases to the server under a different name than the active database. Once copied, they can quickly rename the old database and put the new one live.

Do you support the fuel packs? What about Crystal Report Writer? Cold Fusion Java classes?

Yes, we support all released fuel packs, Crystal Report Writer and Cold Fusion's Java Classes.

Can I use Cold Fusion with Active Server Pages? Is one technology better than the other?

You can use both in your website, although not easily on the same page. They serve the same purpose of creating dynamic web content and they both have the same functionality either through their core language base or via DLL extensions that allow one to fill in missing functionality. Cold Fusion tends to be easier and faster to program in than ASP.

Can I use Cold Fusion Studio RDS?

Due to security reasons, we are unable to provide Cold Fusion Studio RDS support, however, the FTP functionality will work.

Where can I learn more about Cold Fusion?